Busy Schedules and My Final Year at London College of Fashion

Being in my final year at London College of Fashion is really starting to take its toll. Not only has the workload increased, deadlines have gotten shorter and the emphasis on doing well is at it’s highest. I have have the scary thought of writing my dissertation looming overhead. For me only the work done in my final year counts towards my final grades so the pressure is really on to do well (for most uni’s it’s the last 2 years!). After all I don’t want to leave uni with a massive sum of debts without the grades to back it up.

On top of the heavy workload I also have to try and manage my schedule to fit in both work and some social life. Most people’s expectation’s of university is going out, having an amazing social life and spending quite a lot of time drunk. To be perfectly honest mine definitely hasn’t been like that. Not to say I haven’t had a great time, I really have but it has been different to what I thought. When I was living in London, I was working 20+ hours a week to try and afford everything. Which meant I didn’t have a lot of time left over for much of  a social life And then once I moved back home I started to work a bit less but I had the added bonus of commuting to and from London! Managing all this isn’t easy but I do love it all. I think without a bit of chaos life can get a bit mundane.

I am studying Fashion Management which I love, I still sometime can’t believe I study at London College of Fashion. It has been a dream of mine since I was little. But at the same time there’s a part of me that is so ready to be finished with uni and be in a proper job. Whilst I’ve been at university a lot of my friends have settled into their careers and I’m not going to lie I’m a bit envious. I’m using this to try and motivate me through this last year of uni and all the hard work ahead of me. That being said I wouldn’t have done things any other way. Unfortunately the fashion industry is a tough, competitive place where a degree only levels out the playing field. So without it I would find it a whole lot harder to get where I want to be.


My degree focuses on the business side of the fashion industry. So it’s more of a business degree that relates directly to fashion examples. It is quite a broad degree aimed at quite a few jobs within the industry such as buying, merchandising, marketing, etc. As it stands at the moment I am most interested in the social media aspect linking to PR marketing. Once I graduate I would love to find a role working with social media for a brand. But who knows where life will take me.

I have really enjoyed my experience, everything that has happened along the way has really helped to shape my personality and grow my confidence. I am so utterly grateful to have had such an amazing support network throughout this whole process, who have dealt with the tears and tantrums especially when my computer stops working the night before a deadline. And here’s to the exciting future ahead.

By |2016-11-29T23:14:40+00:00Nov 17th, 2016|Lifestyle|0 Comments

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